Saturday, December 5, 2009

Here Goes Nothing

Well.....I didn't think I'd be doing this....blogging I mean.  Oh well.....on to the next web adventure!

Hopefully this experiment goes well.  I was going to do this on FB, but I didn't see a spot for this kinda stuff, except maybe notes....I just didn't think the content of what I wanted to write was appropriate for a "note".  Lofty expectations of myself?  Maybe....only time will tell.

For those of you who know me I just recently returned from a trip to India!  Yes I have pics and yes I brought some stuff back, just not for all of you.  If you didn't ask, remember to ask next time and maybe I'll consider it.  I'll be taking pics of what I bought so I can post them here and other places.  The next blog will be about the trip in as much detail as I can remember.  I know I should have written what I wanted to say and what was going through my head, but traveling half way across the globe has a tendency to mess with your perception of time.  Believe me....most of the time I didn't know what day it was, so there was a stretch of time where the days literally all ran together.

There was a lot of work (there for business after all), a little bit of adventure, a few scary moments, some hilarity, and frustrating moments.  I'll be writing all about it within the next week so check back soon for the blog title of "India Slim and the Rickshaw of Doom".  Sorry....couldn't resist.

Anyway...hope you all like the blog, and if not, just don't come here anymore.  I don't need tons of people to read and like this in order for me to feel like I've accomplished something or to feel better about myself.

Slim Shady

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